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GridDB Cloud Service Free Plan Application Form

Please apply for GridDB Cloud Service Free Plan from this page.
After filling out the form below, click the "Confirm" button to confirm the details, then click the "Send" button.

Please use Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge, as issues with the application may occur when using other browsers.

Required denotes required items.

Name Required
First Name
Last Name
Email address Required
Please enter your working email address
Email address (Retype) Required
Re-enter your email address for confirmation
Country of Residence Required
Please enter your Country of Residence

This service is not available to residents of the following regions: Republic of Austria, Republic of Belarus, Kingdom of Belgium, Republic of Bulgaria, People's Republic of China, Republic of Croatia, Republic of Cuba, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Kingdom of Denmark, Republic of Estonia, Republic of Finland, French Republic, Federal Republic of Germany, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Hellenic Republic, Hungary, Ireland, Islamic Republic of Iran, Republic of Iraq, Italian Republic, Republic of Latvia, Republic of Lithuania, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Republic of Malta, Kingdom of the Netherlands, North Korea, Republic of Poland, Portuguese Republic, Romania, Russian Federation, Slovak Republic, Republic of Slovenia, Kingdom of Spain, Kingdom of Sweden, Syrian Arab Republic

If you agree to the "GridDB Cloud Service Free Plan Terms of Use"new window will launch and "GridDB Cloud Service Free Plan Service Specifications"new window will launch,
please check "I agree to the Terms of Use and Service Specifications".

I agree to the Terms of Use and Service Specifications

If you agree to the "Precaution before filling out the GridDB Cloud Free Plan Service Application Form"
check "I agree" and click the "Confirm" button.

I agree

new window will launchA new window will launch when you click on a link marked with this icon.

After confirming the information you entered, click on the "Send" button.To correct your information, click on the "Back" button.

Precaution before filling out the GridDB Cloud Free Plan Service Application Form

Please read the following notes before submission.

  • We use the personal data you have provided to deliver the cloud service you requested.
  • Our Company may use web beacon and script technologies along with IP addresses on its website in order to collect and analyze visitors' or users' browsing history and usage of websites, as well as use such data in conjunction with personal information such as e-mail addresses.
  • Our divisions, Toshiba group companies or our business partners may use your personal data you have provided to the extent necessary to respond to your inquiries.
  • You can request us at any time to disclose, correct or delete any personal data on you that we have retained. Please contact contact us.
  • The response from us to you is intended solely for your personal use. Please refrain from transfer or secondary use of the response in part or whole.
  • To see our view on the handling of personal information, please look at TOSHIBA DIGITAL SOLUTIONS CORPORATION's Privacy Policy.
  • Children under 16 years old are requested to make an inquiry only after receiving the consent of a parent or guardian.
  • Inquiries sent on Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays, or during the year-end or New Year holidays or other company holidays will be received on the earliest working day and dealt with as soon as possible.